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4-spindle 2 turret

A machine that can effortlessly reduce cycle time without changing the machining conditions or loader speed.

This 4-Spindle 2NC slide (4-spindle 2-turret lathe) can significantly reduce both the idling time and cycle time by cutting and loading/unloading the workpiece at the same time.


  • Overview of 4-spindle 2 turret

  • AA/BB with 2 robots

  • robot + vision system


  • 01

    While the 1st and 2nd spindle are machining, the 3rd and 4th spindle are loading or unloading
    ▶Machining and workpiece loading/unloading are performed at the same time to achieve an effective loading time of zero seconds!

  • 02

    There are four chucks so all four operations (Operation 1 (OP1), Operation 2 (OP2), inversion, and workpiece attachment) are gathered on a single machine and performed at the same time.

    A lathe with a high operation rate close to 100% that is always creating chips, this significantly reduces the cycle time and improves productivity!

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    The spindle for loading and unloading the workpiece is exposed outside the partition door. The machine design enables easy chuck exchange and manual workpiece loading/unloading.

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    Automation is achieved with zero robot space because the robot can be mounted on the machine.

    Loading the robot on the slide rail provides a stroke equivalent to a gantry loader.

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Two types of time loss that can be resolved only by using a 4-spindle 2-turret machine

  • 01

    Loader idling time⇒ Eliminated by “Zero-second loading”, simultaneously performing machining and workpiece loading/unloading!

  • 02

    Difference in machining time between the 1st and 2nd processes (OP1 and OP2) ⇒ Resolved by alternating the 1st and 2nd machining (AA/BB processing specifications)!

4-spindle 2NC slide (Twin Turrets)

When there is a difference in the machining time for OP1 and OP2
⇒ AA/BB is the best solution.


AA/BB with two robots